
DetailED Project Report (DPR)

After the planning and the designing of a project are completed, a detailed project report (DPR) is required to be prepared. DPR is an extensive and elaborate outline of a project, which includes essential information such as the resources and tasks to be carried out in order to make the project a success. It may be called the final blueprint of a project after which the implementation and operational process can occur. In this comprehensive project report, the roles and responsibilities are highlighted along with the safety measures if any issue arises while carrying out the plan.

The following points may play an essential role in deciding whether a project turns into success:

  • Completion of the project within the stipulated period
  • Client satisfaction by delivering quality product after the completion of the project
  • Completion of the project within the set limits / budgets / minimum escalation of cost

The blueprint design's focus would be to convert the project idea into a corporate investment that gives good monetary returns. A DPR depicts a handy guidance for the implementation of the project. The requirements and risks should are highlighted in a detailed manner to anticipate and mitigate any issues that may arise or delay or halt the execution of the project. Hence, effective mitigation measures / mechanism must also be incorporated so that the execution of the project can be carried out hassle -free. 

Contents of a detailed project report

A DPR generally includes the following information:

  • Brief information about the project with raison-d’etre
  • Experience and skills of the promoters of the project
  • Details of performance of the existing industrial concerns of the promoters of the project
  • Project finance and sources of financing
  • Government approvals
  • Other important details of the proffered project idea include information about management teams for the project, details about the building, plant, machinery, etc.
  • Raw material requirement
  • Anticipated performance of the new project with assumptions
  • Financial projections and anticipated project IRR, DSCR etc 
  • SWOT / Risk Analysis and mitigations
  • Details of the securities proposed

A DPR is extremely important in order to turn the project idea into reality. A DPR acts as a tool to chart out a roadmap for the success of a project. If the DPR is exhaustively prepared, the utility value will be beneficial and yield good results. Some of the benefits of a DPR are:

  1. Managing the budget - Managing the budget or expenditure is a complex task, especially when there are many aspects to be considered. Hence, a DPR will be handy to help plan and manage the budget in such a manner that the expenditures are better managed and exceeding Budgets is minimized.
  2. Minimizing risks – Though great attention to details may be made, risks, and issues may arise during implementation. Hence, it is crucial to try and identify and plan measures to reduce likely risks so that the project is implemented without any hassles. DPR enables identification, documentation and mitigation of risks to the project manager before the implementation to smoothen implementation.
  3. Project progress follow-up - One of the most important aspects of a DPR is to draw a detailed roadmap and provide a structure for exercising supervision and manage the project progress. Accordingly, one can keep track of the schedule of the project and minimize issues, if any.

A DPR has innumerable benefits in the implementation of a project for its success. Hence, it is vital to get a proper and exhaustive DPR prepared from a qualified and experienced professional/firm who / that holds relevant experience and skillset. It is also important that persons who are a part of the project implementation team assist in the preparation of the DPR so that they are better equipped in the task of handling the project implementation.

We assist Businesses and Corporates in the preparation of DPR